Click Here to Download Installation Instructions
Shipped to commercial address with forklift or loading dock: $195
Shipped to FedEx freight terminal: $195
Shipped to residential address: $395
Local pick up at warehouse in Boise, Idaho: Free
FedEx additional charges may apply in the event of terminal hold/storage fees, return trip fee, etc.
Bulk discounts on shipping apply to 2 or more tanks purchased in a single order (ie. shipping per tank for 2 tanks is $175/tank).
Shipped to FedEx freight terminal: $195
Shipped to residential address: $395
Local pick up at warehouse in Boise, Idaho: Free
FedEx additional charges may apply in the event of terminal hold/storage fees, return trip fee, etc.
Bulk discounts on shipping apply to 2 or more tanks purchased in a single order (ie. shipping per tank for 2 tanks is $175/tank).